Corporate policies

Occupational health and safety policy (OSH policy)

The health and safety of the personnel is the first priority in all the company operations. Voimatel Oy is committed to developing and maintaining a high standard of occupational health and safety among the workforce. OHS activities are developed in cooperation with all members of the personnel and other major stakeholders. We are actively seeking new ways and means to encourage personnel to take proactive action to achieve a safer and healthier work environment. Our goal is to achieve zero accidents and zero disability pensions.

We invest in risk management by regularly evaluating occupational health and safety risks and by encouraging personnel to actively monitor safety. Additionally, we log all safety-related findings, accidents and near-miss events in order to learn from them as early as possible.

Voimatel invests in wellbeing and offers its personnel high-quality occupational healthcare services nationwide. We use appropriate tools and protective equipment and methods to minimise potential health and safety hazards caused by our operation to employees and other stakeholders. Regular occupational health and safety (OHS) activities and related action plans ensure a continual improvement in employee wellbeing and occupational safety.

Employees’ work motivation and energy levels are monitored through regular surveys. The findings and areas in which improvements are called for are followed up by the management and team meetings.

Voimatel is committed to the equal treatment of all personnel. The equality and non-discrimination plan is updated every two years. Its implementation is monitored jointly by the company’s management, human resources services and the representatives of all employee groups.

Quality policy

The objective is to improve the quality of products and services and increase customer satisfaction. Products and services are competitive and of the highest quality and designed to meet exact customer requirements. All operations are based on strict compliance with contracts and specifications. The timely completion of projects to a high standard of quality increases customer confidence in the organisation.  Any complaints are analysed to identify root causes and determine the measures necessary to avoid similar occurrences in the future.

Environmental policy

By continuously developing its operations, Voimatel Oy aims to establish a cost-effective and environmentally friendly operating model. We are committed to promoting environmental goals and targets, the key priority being to reduce harmful environmental impacts through the use of environmentally friendly products and to use natural resources sparingly. Energy consumption and waste generation are minimised. We comply with the applicable environmental laws and regulations in all our operations. We are constantly developing services that contribute to the attainment of a low-carbon society.

We develop the in-house organisation in compliance with the principles of sustainable development by updating our knowledge and actively looking for ways to work more ecologically.

Data security policy

Voimatel and its management are committed to maintaining a high standard of data security throughout the company. Data security means that all data-related risks are managed and controlled to achieve an acceptable level of security across all operations, both in terms of systems and manual processes. Voimatel in engaged in cooperation with a number of external partners, such as customers, suppliers and subcontractors, which calls for due compliance with and awareness of data security principles and guidelines. This ensures the confidentiality, availability, integrity and correct use of the data. A high standard of data security is a key business enabler for Voimatel.